Where do the majestic oaks of Šventybrastis grow?
The route starts in Surviliškis (Kėdainiai district, Surviliškis sen.), on the right bank of the Nevėžis River, near the hanging (monkey) bridge. The length of the route is 7.5 km. Following this route, you will visit the Nevėžis Valley and the village of Šventybrastis, famous for its unique historical heritage.
After crossing the Nevėžis River on a suspension bridge, turn right and travel along the forest path in a southerly direction.While traveling through the territory of Krekenava Regional Park and Šventybrastis Landscape Reserve, observe the landscape and the natural phenomena taking place. As the glaciers of the last glaciation retreated, the waters carved out a deep trough-shaped terraced Nevėžis Valley with numerous old channels and their remains. The valley is a refuge for many plants and animals, and many valuable habitats thrive here. The river valley looks different in each season: frozen in winter by frost and alkali, in spring and summer full of flowering plants and life. As winter recedes, the river floods, overflows, and fills with migrating birds. In May, near Šventybrastis, you can listen to the voices of the kumučiai in the ponds of the Nevėžis Valley.
Exploring the Nevėžis Valley, you will reach the village of Šventybrastis. On a hill stands the impressive and very cozy wooden Church of the Transfiguration of Christ with a bell tower. It is said that where you stand nowChurch of St. Stephen, a former place of ancient Lithuanian rites and an eternal fire. Since the Brasta stream flows here, the settlement was named Šventybrastis. The church offers impressive views. Behind the church, four Šventybrastis oaks grow, reaching a height of 24 meters. These majestic oaks are state-protected natural heritage sites.
The village of Šventybrastis is famous for historical events and personalities.1863 m.took place here in OctoberA. MackevičiusThe battles of the rebels led by the Tsarist army. 75 dead rebels were buried on the banks of the Brasta stream,1938A concrete monument was built in their memory in 1911. The village is home toPaul Lukšys– the first Lithuanian volunteer, who died for the independence of Lithuania on February 9, 1919. The stairs from the church lead down to the monument to the Independence of Lithuania, where the grandparents of the writer and Nobel Prize laureate Česká Miloš, the Siručiai, are buried in the Šventybraštis cemetery.
Continue the route along the Šventybrastis - Krekenava road. At the village of Zavišinė, where the remains of the former manor house remain, turn left along the village road towards the suspension bridge.
If you want to extend the route by 2 km, you can visit the remains of a bridge in Kazokės village on the left bank of the Nevėžys River, and after returning to Surviliškis via the suspension bridge, visit the grave of the most famous Lithuanian cross-maker Vincas Svirskis in the Surviliškis cemetery and his cross standing in the schoolyard; also go to the Surviliškis Church of the Crucified Jesus and look at the Nevėžys ancient valley from the observation deck.
Discover the secrets of the Burveliai Alkakalnus
The route begins in Surviliškis (Kėdainiai district, Surviliškis sen.), on the right bank of the Nevėžis River, near the hanging (monkey) bridge. The length of the route is 5.9 km. While following this route, you will visit the Nevėžis Valley and the Burveliai alkakalnis, which dates back to pagan times. The journey will give you a lot of positive emotions and will pamper your eyes with wonderful views.
After crossing the Nevėžys River on a suspension bridge, turn left and travel along the forest path in a northerly direction.While traveling through the territory of the Nevėžis Mid-River Landscape Reserve, observe the landscape and the natural phenomena taking place. As the glaciers of the last glaciation retreated, the waters carved out a deep trough-shaped terraced Nevėžis ancient valley with numerous old channels and their remains. The valley is a refuge for many plants and animals, and many valuable habitats thrive here. The river valley looks different in each season: frozen in winter by frost and alkali, and full of flowering plants and life in spring and summer. As the winter recedes, the river floods, overflows, and fills with migrating birds.
Burveliai alkakalnis is an ancient Lithuanian sacred site. An impressive hill, overgrown with pines, oaks, aspens, birches and other trees and shrubs, surrounded by swampy meadows, is believed to have been an island in the distant past. German chronicles of the 14th century mention the Burveliai castle here, which was destroyed by the Livonian Master's army on August 15, 1372. Burveliai alkakalnis is often called Mlečka Hill, Mileškalnis or Koplyčkalnis. It is said that at the end of the 16th century, a barrow was dug on the hill and a chapel was built in memory of Jonas Konstantinas Mlečka, who fell with his horse and drowned in the Nevėžys.
After that, continue your journey back towards the remains of the bridge over the Nevėžis River in the village of Kazokės. The bridge, designed by Pranas Markūnas, was built in 1937. It connected the villages of Surviliškis and Kazokės. During World War II, the bridge was blown up and has not been rebuilt yet. However, you can see what this beautiful arched reinforced concrete bridge looked like in the restored visualization on the transparent stand.
Continue traveling south towards the suspension bridge.
After returning to Surviliškis via the suspension bridge, visit the grave of the most famous Lithuanian cross-maker Vincas Svirskis in the Surviliškis cemetery and his cross standing in the schoolyard; also go to the Surviliškis Church of the Crucified Jesus and take a look at the ancient Nevėžys Valley from the observation deck.
Gringaliai forest swimming
The route starts immediately outside the town of Krekenava (Krekenavas sen., Panevėžys district), on the left bank of the Nevėžys River, near the Gringalių forest. The length of the route is 10.3 km. The length of the shorter route is 5 km. Start the hike from the information stand installed on the left side of the Krekenava – Šventybrastis – Kėdainiai road at the approaches to the Gringalių forest and continue along the forest path leading to the left. You will walk in the forest for a while, then turn into the depths of the forest.
This route is suitable for trying the practice of “forest bathing” (Širin-Joku) and connecting with nature through the five senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands and feet. As you walk through the forest, observe the amazing phenomena of nature. Watch how the forest changes: pine and spruce forests are replaced by birch and oak forests. Listen to the voices of birds, smell the rich scent of the forest, carefully observe plants and animals and their tracks, try to recognize trees and name herbaceous plants.
Gringaliai Forest is a botanical-zoological reserve with rare plant and animal species and their habitats. The forest is characterized by a great diversity of fauna. The black stork, lesser spotted eagle, hawk-eagle, horned vulture, falcon, grebe, and grey heron breed here; roe deer, wild boar, red deer, fallow deer, and lynx live there; hazel dormouse and bats are found. Insects protected in the forest include:white-spotted checkerboard, dusky golden beetle and the great golden retrieverhabitats. Rare, protected plants are found in the reserve: forest sedge, green-flowered blandis, common toukle, etc. Rare mushroom species: oak liverwort, tufted grebe, large corn borer.
You can stop for a rest at a rest area in the middle of the route.
You will end the trip by returning to your starting point along the Krekenava – Šventybrastis – Kėdainiai road.