The Vetygala outcrop has been a natural geological monument since 1964.
The outcrop is also called Žėba Hill, because it forms the southern part of the 420-meter-long Žėba Hill. It is one of the largest outcrops of pre-Quaternary formations in Lithuania. It is 20–30 m high and 25 m wide. According to geologists, it is a unique outcrop – like an open book of the natural history of the Anykščiai region, in which pre-glacial, about 400 million years old layers are visible, consisting of light quartz and mica sand. Remains of armored fish, whose age is 300–350 million years, are found in these layers. These fish areAsterolepis radiata Rohon– are poorly developed, without a skeleton. They are listed in the Lithuanian Book of Records (1993) as the oldest fish found in Lithuania.