Frequently asked questions

Construction in protected areas

The concept defined in Article 2, Part 72 of the Law on Construction is: reconstruction of a construction site - construction, the purpose of which is to rebuild a construction site: to replace the supporting structures of the construction site, changing the external dimensions of the construction site (length, width, height, etc.).

The basic principles according to which construction works are classified into separate types of construction are established by the construction technical regulation STR 1.01.08:2002 "Types of Construction of a Structure" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation). Point 9 of the Regulation states that the purpose of the reconstruction of a structure is to reconstruct the load-bearing structures of an existing structure and thereby change (increase, decrease) any external dimensions of the structure - length, width, height, diameter, etc. It is considered that the load-bearing structures are reconstructed when:

  • new floors are being built;
  • a new basement is being installed, the existing one is being expanded;
  • part of the existing floors are demolished; an extension is added to the building (or built between adjacent buildings), if the addition results in the load-bearing structures of the existing building being changed, weakened, strengthened, etc.;
  • any load-bearing structures are replaced with other load-bearing structures, new load-bearing structures are installed, or part of the existing load-bearing structures is removed.

The concept is defined in Article 2, Part 53 of the Law on Construction of the Republic of Lithuania: capital repairs of a building - construction, the purpose of which is to reconstruct a building: to replace the supporting structures of the building, without changing the external dimensions of the building (length, width, height, etc.).

Point 10 of the Regulation states that the purpose of the capital repair of a building is to reconstruct the load-bearing structures of the building without changing the external dimensions of the building - length, width, height, diameter, etc. The load-bearing structures of a building are considered to be reconstructed when they are strengthened (except for the filling of existing openings), weakened, or replaced (partially or in full) with load-bearing structures of the same or a different type.

Thus, the fundamental difference that determines the classification of construction works as capital repairs or reconstruction is that when rebuilding the load-bearing structures of a building, in the case of capital repairs, no external dimensions of the building change, while in the case of reconstruction, any external dimensions of the building change.

The construction of footbridges in state parks is regulated by the state parks protection regulations. In water bodies near existing homesteads, it is allowed to install one wooden footbridge up to 15 m long from the shore of the water body, with an area of no more than 30 m2. If the strip of above-water vegetation is wider than 15 m, it is allowed to build longer footbridges, but protruding no more than 2 m beyond the strip of above-water vegetation, up to 2 m wide. In urbanized (built-up) recreational and residential areas, the dimensions of the footbridge may be larger, they are determined in the design solutions of the structure.

If the pier is a simple structure of Group II, in this case a simplified design of the structure must be prepared, which should be approved by the protected area directorate and the district municipality architect.

When constructing footbridges in urbanized recreational areas, where the construction of non-special structures is also possible, a non-special structure project is prepared.

In all cases, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the owner (manager) of the water body.

The construction of fences in state parks is regulated by the regulations for the protection of state parks. Homesteads are allowed to be fenced with transparent openwork fences (wooden rods, bars, wattles, wicker, except for horizontal boards) no higher than 1.5 m in height without plinths. Such a fence is likely to be a simple structure of group I. Such structures do not require a design or construction permit, except in cases where the fence is erected on the Curonian Spit or on the territory of a cultural heritage site, in the protection zone of a cultural heritage site, or in a cultural heritage area.

In state parks, farmer's homesteads are allowed to be built in territories where the state park management plans provide for the construction of new homesteads, except in conservation functional priority zones and residential zones where another main land use purpose has been established for the land plots, and farmer's homesteads are built on agricultural land plots (Article 25 of the Law on Land of the Republic of Latvia).

Article 13 of the Law on Protected Areas establishes that it is permitted to construct engineering structures – shelters – on agricultural land other than a homestead, intended for sheltering free-ranging herbivorous farm animals registered in the Register of Farm Animals from precipitation and wind, when the area of meadows and pastures on land owned or otherwise legally managed is at least 20 hectares (no more than 1 shelter per specified area). Shelters are installed without premises with no more than 3 external walls or without them, the permissible height is up to 6 meters, the built-up area is up to 150 square meters.

These shelters may not be built in natural meadows, in protected plant and insect species habitats, closer than 100 meters from the shore of a surface water body, and feed may not be stored and supplementary feeding of herbivorous farm animals may not be organized in the specified places. If herbivorous farm animals are no longer kept in the meadow and pasture area where the shelter for keeping animals is located, it must be removed no later than 6 months after the herbivorous farm animals have been transported. The requirements for selecting the location of the shelter, its shape, the materials from which it is built, and the procedure for coordinating it are established in the regulations of the state park.

Article 84, paragraph 16 f of the Law on Special Land Use Conditions states that homestead buildings and engineering structures on homesteads are constructed in state parks.

Article 13(3) of the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania clearly regulates the cases when the construction of new structures in state parks is possible:

1) it is prohibited to construct and/or install new structures and/or facilities specified in the Law on Special Land Use Conditions;

2) it is permitted to reconstruct existing homestead buildings and engineering structures on homesteads;

3) it is permitted to restore cultural heritage objects in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Immovable Cultural Heritage;

4) it is permitted to reconstruct identical buildings of former homesteads and their engineering structures in their original locations according to surviving archival documents;

5) it is permitted to construct new homestead buildings and engineering structures on the site of a former homestead;

6) it is permitted to repair and reconstruct existing structures in accordance with the solutions set out in the state park planning scheme (boundary and management plans) and/or in municipal or locality-level integrated territorial planning documents, if the specified plans provide for specific conditions and opportunities for their reconstruction;

7) It is permitted to construct engineering structures – shelters – on agricultural land outside a homestead, intended for the shelter of freely kept herbivorous farm animals registered in the Farm Animals Register.

No other construction cases are planned.

Thus, the legislation allows solar power plants to be built on the roofs of buildings in homesteads, but does not provide for the possibility of building solar power plants on land plots that are not built up with buildings (including those located in recreational functional priority zones).

Article 69 of the Law on Special Land Use Conditions of the Republic of Lithuania establishes that in natural and complex reserves it is prohibited to install new water bodies unrelated to the purpose of the reserve in areas with a high and medium probability of flood risk, and in other territories of a natural or complex reserve - to install one or more artificial water bodies on one land plot with a total area exceeding 0.1 hectare, except in cases where they are related to the preservation of the landscape, nature and immovable cultural values of the reserve and the approval of the protected area directorate responsible for the protection of the natural or complex reserve has been obtained for the implementation of these works.

Requirements for the installation of an artificial impermeable surface water body are provided in the Order of the Minister of Environment and the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania of 12 July 2012 No. D1-590/3D-583 "On the Approval of the Description of Environmental Requirements for the Installation and Maintenance of Artificial Impermeable Surface Water Bodies".

When planning to install an artificial water body in a state park, biosphere reserve or buffer zone of a state reserve, including Natura 2000 territories located in these territories, the location of the artificial water body must be coordinated with the directorate of the state park, biosphere reserve or state reserve. When an artificial water body is planned to be installed in a state reserve, biosphere reserve or Natura 2000 territory where there is no directorate of the protected area, the location of the artificial water body shall be coordinated with the Environmental Protection Agency.

A building permit is required for the reconstruction of a simple building:

In the territory of a cultural heritage object, in the protection zone of a cultural heritage object, in a cultural heritage area, in a river or part thereof, which, in the implementation of the Water Law, is included in the list of ecologically and culturally valuable rivers or their sections - when reconstructing a simple structure of Group I;

In a city, in a conservation priority or complex protected area, in the territory of a cultural heritage site, in the protection zone of a cultural heritage site, in a cultural heritage site, in a river or part thereof, which, in the implementation of the Water Law, is included in the list of ecologically and culturally valuable rivers or their sections, in the buffer protection zone of a natural heritage site, state park, state reserve, sanctuary or biosphere reserve (if construction is possible in this territory according to the Law on Protected Areas), in the territory of the European ecological network "Natura 2000" (if a structure located outside a homestead is being reconstructed)

When reconstructing a simple structure of group II; - when reconstructing a simple building when its purpose is changed to residential;

In the territories of the main gas pipeline area classes located at a distance of 200 meters on both sides of the main gas pipeline axis - when reconstructing a simple structure of group I and (or) II;

Reconstructing a simple structure into something extraordinary or extraordinary.

The shapes, sizes, building materials, etc. of homestead buildings are regulated in the regulations on the protection of state parks. Thus, even when constructing a building without a project, it is mandatory to comply with the requirements of legal acts regarding their construction. If the structures listed in the question are part of a homestead, in this case, simple structures of Group I can be constructed without a project (i.e., if the structures are no larger than 50 m2 in total area), except for their construction on the territory of a cultural heritage object, in the protection zone of a cultural heritage object, or in a cultural heritage area.

The construction of a sauna is regulated by Article 99(8) of the Law on Special Land Use Conditions of the Republic of Lithuania, which establishes that only one sauna for personal use with a total area of no more than 25 m2 and a height of no more than 4.5 meters without a basement may be built outside the outer boundary of the coastal protection zone of surface water bodies in a homestead or on a land plot of land used for recreational purposes.

It is prohibited to build, store and use caravans and other movable objects or devices (mobile homes, containers, vehicles no longer in use, metal garages) for accommodation, overnight stays, meals and other similar purposes in protected areas, except in cases where such objects are stored and used:

a) at construction sites under construction and/or reconstruction during their construction, provided that a construction permit document issued in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Construction of the Republic of Lithuania is in place and when these objects are provided for in the construction project;

b) in scientific and educational institutions conducting scientific research;

c) with a permit issued by the municipal executive authority – for organizing public events;

(d) as mobile apiaries of registered apiaries;

(e) conducting commercial fishing in places and at times established by law;

f) continuously, but not longer than 30 working days, by contract from October 1 to March 15, when carrying out major forest felling operations and having a forest felling permit;

However, it should be noted that legal acts do not prohibit the conversion of movable objects into structures (homestead appurtenances) in existing homesteads. If the land area built up by the buildings of the homestead (homestead) does not exceed the maximum building area permitted by legal acts, the carriage house can be converted into a homestead appurtenance (simple structure).

Construction possibilities in protected areas are enshrined in the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Law on Special Conditions of Land Use of the Republic of Lithuania. Construction is prohibited only in state reserves.

Construction possibilities in protected areas and state parks are established in the provisions of Article 9, Part 3 and Article 13, Part 3 of the Law on Protected Areas. Here it is established that: it is permitted to construct new structures related to the purposes of establishing a protected area/state park, other structures necessary for carrying out activities for which exceptions are established in the provisions of these articles; it is permitted to construct new and reconstruct existing homestead buildings and engineering structures in homesteads and on the site of a former homestead; it is permitted to construct new structures in the places provided for in the planning scheme of a state park (boundary and management plans) and (or) in the general plan of a municipality or part thereof; it is permitted to construct new structures in order to ensure the protection of the state border.

In the buffer protection zones of state parks, state reserves and sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves, it is prohibited to construct only structures if they worsen the conditions for displaying heritage objects or increase the visual pollution of the territory.

If you intend to build, reconstruct or repair structures in a protected area, we invite you to consult with specialists from the protected area directorates. We recommend that you arrange a consultation time in advance. You can find the contacts of the protected area directorates here.

Construction, reconstruction and repair work in state parks must comply with the requirements of state park protection regulations and management plans.

We recommend that when preparing building projects, you follow the catalogs of traditional architectural buildings and building elements characteristic of the Ethnographic Regions of Lithuania published by the State Service for Protected Areas under the Ministry of Agriculture.

A building permit (BPD), if such a permit is required, is issued by the Municipal Administration. Applications for the issuance of a BPD are accepted through the information system "Infostatyba" at

If you are not sure whether it is necessary to obtain a Building Permit, you can consult with specialists of the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate by calling (8 5) 207 3333.


Visiting protected areas

If you have noticed a potentially unauthorized activity in nature or an environmental violation in a protected area, information can be provided 24/7 to the General Assistance Center by calling 112 or to the Reporting and Environmental Emergency Management Department by calling: (8–5) 273 2995; 8 698 81837, or submitted to the Environmental Protection Control Information System (AAKIS).

Urgent response message cases:

  • Due to ecological events

reports on transport accidents, when fuel or other materials of an operational vehicle spill and are contaminated or there is a threat of contamination, water bodies, dangerous cargo is spilled and there is a threat of significant contamination of environmental components, due to the discovery of a large amount of an unclear but potentially dangerous substance, due to emergency situations in enterprises, during which environmental pollution may occur or is already occurring, due to events specified in the List of Extreme Event Criteria, approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 29 December 2022 by Resolution No. 1317 "On the Implementation of the Law on Crisis Management and Civil Protection of the Republic of Lithuania", to which the AAD is assigned to respond by legal acts within its competence.

  • Regarding compliance with hunting requirements
  • when hunting is illegal;
  • when animals have been illegally hunted;
  • when hunting is carried out in violation of hunting requirements;
  • when illegal hunting tools are found, or prepared for hunting.
  • Regarding compliance with fishing requirements
  • when fishing is carried out at a prohibited time or (and) in a prohibited place or (and) with prohibited gear;
  • when illegal fishing gear is found, or prepared for fishing.
  • Due to mass animal deaths
  • when there is a mass death of fish in water bodies (except due to lack of oxygen under ice), wild birds and/or wild animals.
  • Due to pollution of water bodies, land, and urbanized areas
  • when there is a real probability that water bodies, land, urbanized territories will be contaminated in the near future or are already being contaminated or have already been contaminated with untreated wastewater or (and) chemical substances or (and) hazardous waste;
  • when there is a real possibility that water bodies, land, or urbanized areas will be contaminated or are already contaminated with large quantities of non-hazardous waste in the near future.
  • Due to ambient air pollution
  • when burning waste (plastics, old tires, furniture, furniture manufacturing waste, etc.);
  • when a pungent, burning, suffocating or other odor is felt, characteristic of illegal waste burning or illegal emissions of chemical substances or compounds into the ambient air.
  • Due to damage or destruction of vegetation
  • when vegetation is damaged or destroyed.
  • Regarding the detention of the person who committed the violation
  • that the person who committed the violation has been arrested.
  • For other violations that require immediate response.

Information about other events is provided:

Smolensko St. 15, 03201 Vilnius

El. p.

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Fridays 8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

(On the eve of holidays – 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

You can report outside of business hours:

Emergency services telephone number 112;

Additional reception of requests and complaints:

Smolensko St. 15B, Vilnius.

Working hours:

Mondays 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Monday-Friday 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.

Wednesdays 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

(On the eve of holidays – 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

You can only pitch tents in the protected area in designated areas – campsites, camping grounds. You can find out where these areas are at the regional park visitor centers or on their websites.

Information about camping can also be found in the rules for visiting protected areas.

Bonfires in protected areas can only be lit in places specially equipped for this purpose and marked with information signs - at campsites, recreation areas, and campsites.

It is prohibited to burn raked and collected grass, reeds, tree leaves, straw, agricultural and horticultural waste in forests, raised bogs, peatlands, areas located closer than 100 meters to the forest, as well as in cities and towns.

To make visiting protected areas fun and safe, the Directorate's specialists will provide you with all the necessary information.You can find contacts

All regional parks have visitor centers, which are the best places to start exploring the protected areas and plan your trip. Visitor centers provide information about the natural and cultural heritage values of the protected areas, places to visit, educational tourism and recreation opportunities. The centers organize natural and cultural events, seminars, and have permanent interactive exhibitions.

Protected areas have an outdoor information system – signs, information stands, etc., educational infrastructure, observation towers. Specialists of protected area directorates try to ensure that the outdoor information system is constantly maintained, tidy and helps visitors get to know the protected areas, but there are cases when visitors damage the infrastructure. Restoring it is expensive and time-consuming. It poses a danger to other visitors.

Some types of nature reserves (ornithological, theriological, herpetological, entomological, telmological) and other areas of particular natural value are prohibited from April 1 to August 1, because at that time many vital processes take place in nature - birds are hatching, animals are raising their young, etc., therefore disturbing them can have a significant negative impact on nature.

When traveling to protected areas in the spring, check the visiting opportunities by contacting the Directorate or the regional park group.

A voluntary visitor ticket has been introduced in regional parks since 2015. It is intended for people who care about nature and landscape values, who can contribute to the preservation of protected areas.

Although visitors to protected areas can purchase a ticket voluntarily, we are grateful to visitors who, by purchasing it, express their approval and desire to ensure the protection of protected areas, their management, and the provision of infrastructure for visitors, maintenance, and renovation.

Cultural, sports and other events in protected areas must be coordinated with the Aukštaitija Protected Areas Directorate regional park group where the event will take place. Contactsyou will find here.

Event organizers and participants are invited to purchase park visitor tickets. They are voluntary and are intended for people who care about nature and landscape values, who can contribute to the preservation of protected areas.

A park visitor ticket is mandatory for participants in mass commercial events. A mass commercial event in a state park is considered an event where the planned number of participants is 100 or more people, and where the organizer seeks income.

More information aboutprotected areas visitor ticket here.

Events can be organized in the forest only after receiving a written permit from the forest manager, which specifies the start date and duration of the event, the planned number of participants, the organization's address, the name and surname of the responsible person, as well as the obligation to clean up the territory after the event.


Information on maps of wetlands and springs and/or natural meadows and pastures

No, there is no obligation to respond – this is an informational notice, by which landowners and other interested persons are informed about special land use conditions, satisfying the public interest. According to Article 7, Part 3 and Sub-paragraph 7 of the Law on Special Land Use Conditions, the consent of landowners is not required when determining such territories.

No. According to Article 13(1) of the Land Use Act, compensation is calculated and paid for the application of special land use conditions in territories established to meet the public interest, when the consent of the land owner, state or municipal land trustee is not required.

Yes. Information about special land use conditions established in natural meadows and pastures is provided in accordance with the procedure established in Article 11 of the Law on Special Land Use Conditions. Within 15 working days from the date of approval of the maps, the owner of the land plot where the SŽNS is intended to be applied, the trustee of state or municipal land, as well as a natural or legal person or another organization or their divisions using the land under a contract registered in the Real Estate Register, and (or) the owners or trustees of immovable objects registered in the Real Estate Register located in this established territory at the address of their declared place of residence or domicile, indicating the specific established territories specified in this Law and the special land use conditions applicable in them and the decision by which it was approved.

Citizens with an email accountIn the e-delivery system, information about the established SŽNS will be received in this system. More information on how to log in and how to use the E. delivery box can be foundhere.

Maps of natural meadows and pastures, as well as wetlands and springs, prepared by the State Service for Protected Areas, stored in the Biodiversity Database (BIOMON), are approved by orders of the Director of the State Service for Protected Areas and serve as the basis for establishing special land use conditions. An unapproved map cannot be the legal basis for establishing a SŽNS.

After approving the map or part thereof, the VSTT must, within five working days, submit a request to the administrator of the Real Estate Register to register the identified SŽNS territories and provide their spatial data. The administrator of the Real Estate Register must register the territories in the Real Estate Register within five working days.

The LPRs apply from the date of registration of the territories in the Real Estate Register.

There are cases where a previously established SŽNS for natural meadows and pastures and/or wetlands and springs is in force on a land plot, but the plot does not include territories included in the approved new maps of natural meadows and pastures and/or wetlands and springs. In such a case, the relevant marks in the Real Estate Register database regarding territories where SŽNS is applied, not registered in the Real Estate Register, will be valid until 2024. December 31, when these marks will be transferred to the archive of the Real Estate Register database and will no longer be valid.

In the event that the owners or managers of the land plot wish such a SŽNS designation to be cancelled before 31 December 2024 (in cases where the plot does not have territories registered that fall within the approved maps of natural meadows, pastures and/or wetlands and springs), they must apply in writing to the VSTT to obtain a certificate that their plot does not have a SŽNS designated by the new order. Having examined the application within the time limit provided for in the Law on Public Administration and having established that the plot does not contain natural meadows and pastures and/or wetlands and springs, the VSTT shall issue a certificate to the applicant, on the basis of which the administrator of the Real Estate Register will be able to satisfy the request to cancel the relevant designation in the Real Estate Register database.

If your plot contains natural meadows and pastures, wetlands and springs that are not included in the prepared map, but you wish for a special land use condition to be established for these areas, you can also submit a relevant request with justification to the VSTT.

It is prohibited to plough, drain or otherwise change the condition and composition of natural meadows and pastures, to plant them with greenery or to plant forests. Regular mowing and/or grazing, removal or thinning of woody vegetation are required to maintain natural meadows and pastures. When removing woody vegetation, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the protection of protected greenery and natural heritage sites.

As a special case, the habitats of European Community importance 6530 Woodland meadows and 9070 Wooded pastures should be mentioned, where the native woody vegetation should be managed to ensure the long-term survival and good condition of these habitats.

It is also not prohibited to fence natural meadows and pastures. When grazing livestock and mowing, it is recommended to follow the requirements for extensive perennial meadow management.

It is not allowed to plant trees or afforest natural meadows and pastures.

Yes, the response of the VSTT may be appealed to the Lithuanian Administrative Disputes Commission within one month from the date of its receipt in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Disputes Commissions or to the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Procedure.

In accordance with Article 102 of the Law on the Protection of Natural Resources, it is prohibited to:

1) carry out drainage works on the territory, change the hydrological regime of springs and (or) their groups, destroy the vegetation cover of marshes and swamps, except in cases where, after conducting an environmental impact assessment in accordance with the procedure established in the Law on the Assessment of the Impact of Planned Economic Activities on the Environment, a decision is made to approve the planned economic activity;

2) convert swamps and springs into arable land and/or forest land, and plant them with greenery;

3) to convert swamps and springs into land occupied by surface water bodies, except in cases where a single artificial impermeable surface water body of no more than 0.1 hectare in area is established on a plot of land.

It is not prohibited to mow and remove or thin trees and shrubs in wetlands and springs, if the means and methods used do not destroy the vegetation cover of wetlands and marshes, if such activities do not conflict with the objectives of protecting protected species and/or habitats, as well as in cases where, following an environmental impact assessment, a decision is made to approve the planned economic activity. When removing woody vegetation, it is also necessary to take into account the requirements for the protection of protected green spaces and natural heritage sites.

Extensive grazing is possible in some types of fens and wetlands included in wetland and spring areas.

Yes, however, planned forest fellings must not conflict with the legal acts regulating activities in protected areas or in the territories of the European ecological network "Natura 2000", as well as with the Forest Felling Rules, which were approved by Order No. D1-79 of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 27 January 2010.

It should be noted that when carrying out forest logging in territories where a special land use condition has been established for wetlands and springs in accordance with Article 102 of the Law on the State Forestry and Forestry Administration:

1. It is prohibited to carry out drainage works on the territory, change the hydrological regime of springs and (or) their groups, destroy the vegetation cover of swamps and marshes, except in cases where, after conducting an environmental impact assessment in accordance with the procedure established in the Law on the Assessment of the Impact of Planned Economic Activities on the Environment, a decision is made to approve the planned economic activity;

2. A deforested forest area cannot be restored by planting trees, but may be left to regenerate spontaneously.

It is possible only in cases where a decision is made to approve such activities after conducting an environmental impact assessment in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Planned Economic Activities.

Reasoned requests to change the boundaries of approved natural meadows and pastures or wetlands and springs should be submitted to the State Service for Protected Areas (Antakalnio g. 25, 10312 Vilnius,

A request to amend the maps of wetlands and springs and/or natural meadows and pastures must be accompanied by planning material on the territory of wetlands and springs and/or the boundaries of natural meadows and pastures (a situational drawing with the actual land uses mapped in the area and their areas), as well as all other available material on the basis of which the VSTT could make a decision.

Yes, that possibility remains.

Approved maps of wetlands and springs and natural meadows and pastures may be revised at the initiative of the VSTT in the event of justified circumstances or taking into account reasoned requests from natural or legal persons, in accordance with the aforementioned description of the procedure for preparing and approving maps.

Owners of land plots or natural or legal persons representing them by proxy, who disagree with the information provided in the approved maps of wetlands and springs and (or) natural meadows and pastures, may, in accordance with paragraph 33 of the description, submit to the Service reasoned requests for changes to the maps of wetlands and springs and (or) natural meadows and pastures - adjustment of the boundaries of the territories, removal or inclusion of territories. The request should indicate the unique number of the land plot(s) to which the territories to be adjusted or included belong, the nature of the representation (ownership or representation by proxy), and set out the arguments why the map should be changed.

The request to amend the maps must be accompanied by planning material on the territory of wetlands and springs and/or the boundaries of natural meadows and pastures (a situational drawing with the actual land uses and their areas mapped in the area). Additional material (photographs of the area and vegetation cover, planning documents, court rulings, etc.) may also be attached, which may help the VSTT to make one decision or another.

Application form

These applications will be examined in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Public Administration. An administrative decision must be made within 20 working days from the date of receipt of such an application. When, for objective reasons, an administrative decision cannot be made within this period, this period may be extended for no longer than 10 working days. The applicant shall be notified in writing of such an extension of the period within 5 working days from the date of adoption of the decision to extend the period, indicating the reasons for the extension.

Maps of natural meadows and pastures, wetlands and springs were prepared in accordance with the description of the procedure for the preparation and approval of such maps, as well as the digital data sources specified in this description.

The following digital data sources are used to create the wetlands and springs map spatial data set:

1. Data from the biodiversity data set "Natura 2000 sites conservation objectives", which provides the boundaries of wetland habitats falling within the areas of importance for the conservation of habitats (hereinafter referred to as the BAST) and areas meeting the selection criteria for areas of importance for the conservation of natural habitats (hereinafter referred to as the areas);
2. Data set of natural habitats of European Community importance (areas of wetland habitats of European Community importance);
3. Latest data on the inventory of monitoring contours of natural habitats of European Community importance;
4. The latest data on the tax plots of the State Forest Cadastre of the Republic of Lithuania (forest habitats are selected that meet the characteristics of a swamp and a spring specified in the Law, where the lowest (5, 5A, 5B) score for the goodness of growth conditions (bonitet) is established);
5. Data from the geotope subsystem of the State Geological Information System: spring-fed swamp, spring - stream, spring-fed meadow, spring;
6. State cadastre of protected areas (selected natural heritage objects – springs);
7. GRPK spatial data set (used to select unforested wetlands);
8. Spatial data set of land reclamation status and waterlogging of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania at a scale of 1:10,000 (used to assess the condition of reclamation facilities. Areas in poor condition where restoration of reclamation facilities is recommended are not included);
9. Map of Lithuanian wetlands and peatlands M 1:200,000 (used to select exploited, existing and planned peat extraction areas);
10. The spatial data set of special land use conditions of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania at a scale of 1:10000 SŽNS_DR10LT, which stores information about objects for which special land and forest use conditions have been established by the Government Resolution No. 343 of 12 May 1992 "On the Approval of Special Land and Forest Use Conditions". This data set is used to compile the primary map of wetlands and springs, the relevance and quality of the data provided in it must be verified using other data sources. When changing the approved map, these data are not relevant;
11. Register of cultural values (data on springs and source streams);
12. The latest version of the spatial data set of control land plots of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania at a scale of 1:5,000 (hereinafter referred to as KŽS_DR5LT) (used to exclude unsuitable land areas that do not meet the characteristics of wetlands specified in the Law);
13. The latest data set of agricultural land and crop areas, cultivated crops in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania (used to select adjacent areas);
14. Scientific publications;
15. Cadastral files, topographic plans, engineering network plans that help determine the boundaries of wetlands and springs.

The following digital data sources are used to create the spatial data set for the Natural Meadows and Pastures Map:

1. Biodiversity data set "Conservation objectives of Natura 2000 sites", which provides data on the boundaries of grassland habitats falling within the BAST and sites;
2. Data set of natural habitats of European Community importance (areas of grassland habitats of European Community importance);
3. Latest data on the inventory of monitoring contours of natural habitats of European Community importance;
4. Data on tax plots of the State Forest Cadastre of the Republic of Lithuania, data on key forest habitats;
5. GRPK spatial data set;
6. The spatial data set of special land use conditions of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania at a scale of 1:10000 SŽNS_DR10LT, which stores information about objects for which special land and forest use conditions have been established by the Government Resolution No. 343 of 12 May 1992 "On the Approval of Special Land and Forest Use Conditions". This data set is used to compile the initial map of natural meadows and pastures, and the relevance and quality of the data provided in it must be verified using other data sources. When changing the approved map, these data are not relevant;
7. KŽS_DR5LT latest version (used to exclude unsuitable land areas);
8. Data set of agricultural land and crop areas, cultivated crops in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania (used to exclude adjacent areas);
9. Cadastral files, topographic plans, engineering network plans, helping to identify natural meadows and pastures;
10. Court decisions, other certified documents proving the existence or disappearance of natural meadows and pastures.

The following additional data sources are used to assess the importance of grassland for biodiversity:

1. Protected Species Information System (SRIS) data;
2. LepiBase database data (data on species associated with grassland habitats);
3. Data sets of areas where agricultural operators may apply for support under the activities “Extensive management of wetlands”, “Management of specific grasslands”, “Conservation of habitats of endangered reed warbler populations in wetlands” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2014–2020, the activity “Conservation of habitats of reed warblers” of the measure “Investments in tangible assets”, the activity “Conservation of habitats of reed warblers” of the measure “Investments in tangible assets”, the activity “Conservation of habitats of reed warblers” of the measure “Payments related to Natura 2000 and the Water Framework Directive”, the activity area “Support for Natura 2000 on agricultural land”, “Support for Natura 2000 in forests” of the measure “Payments related to Natura 2000”;
4. Lithuanian grassland inventory data for 2002–2005. Project implementer and data manager: Lithuanian Nature Foundation, Botanical Institute and Royal Netherlands Society for the Conservation of Nature (BBI-MATRA project);
5. Data on the protection zones of biosphere reserves established for the protection of animals (protection of wood grouse, sandhill cranes, springboks, white-spotted woodpeckers, feeding grounds of the golden eagle, lesser spotted eagle, and black grouse);
6. Maps of areas at high and medium risk of flooding;
7. State cadastre of protected areas.

The methodology for calculating and paying compensation for the application of special land use conditions in the territories specified in the Land Use and Land Use Act, established to meet the public interest, has been approved by the Government of the Republic of resolution.

The methodology establishes the procedure for calculating and paying one-time and periodic compensation. The owner of a land plot or territory in which land plots have not been formed, falling within the territories specified in the SŽNSĮ, the trustee of state or municipal land, as well as a person whose right to the land plot is registered in the Real Estate Register and (or) the owners of immovable objects registered in the Real Estate Register located in the territory specified in the established Law, except for the land plot, are entitled to receive compensation according to the amount of losses incurred by each of them separately.

Applications for compensation payments prepared in accordance with the requirements of the aforementioned methodology should be submitted to VSTT (Antakalnio g. 25, 10312 Vilnius,

Reasoned requests to amend approved maps of natural meadows and pastures and wetlands and springs shall be examined in accordance with the Law on Public Administration, as well as the description of the procedure for the preparation and approval of these maps approved by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Agriculture. An administrative decision must be adopted within 20 working days from the date of receipt of such a request. When, for objective reasons, an administrative decision cannot be adopted within this period, this period may be extended for no longer than 10 working days. The applicant shall be notified in writing of such an extension of the period within 5 working days from the date of adoption of the decision to extend the period, indicating the reasons for the extension.

The response provided by the Service may be appealed to the Lithuanian Administrative Disputes Commission within one month from the date of its receipt in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Disputes Commissions or to the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Procedure.

When, due to the lack of accuracy of spatial data, it is not possible to remotely assess the area of a wetland and a spring and/or a natural meadow or pasture (with an accuracy of 2.5 m) or the fact of the presence or disappearance of a wetland, spring, natural meadow or pasture, the VSTT may make a decision to verify the data in the area. In such cases, the verification must be carried out within 2 months from the date of submission of information about such a decision made by the VSTT to the person who submitted the application. This term may be extended if the verification in the area cannot be carried out due to unsuitable natural conditions (the verification is carried out during the vegetation period), and the applicant shall be informed thereof. The applicant shall be informed of the extension of the verification term and the planned date of the verification. After verifying the data in the area, a decision shall be made as to whether it is necessary to change the maps of wetlands and springs and/or natural meadows and pastures, and the applicant shall be informed thereof within 5 working days.

On-site inspections will be carried out by specialists from protected area directorates and other experts, following the procedure.  description.

From 6 December 2022, the VSTT, in accordance with the Law on Special Land Use Conditions,by the provisions, carried out public information about the prepared and planned maps of wetlands and springs, as well as natural meadows and pastures, in order to satisfy the public interest. Information was provided in the national and local newspapers of the districts.

Current information about approved maps of natural meadows and pastures, wetlands and springs can be found at:

  • State protected areas serviceson the websiteBiodiversity databases (BIOMON)on the website.
  • Spatial information of the Republic of Lithuaniaportal  in the dataset "Territories of natural meadows and pastures, wetlands and springs, where special land use conditions are established". After entering, select the following menu contents: Maps > Public services > Data on other topics > Environmental protection > Territories of natural meadows and pastures, wetlands and springs, where special land use conditions are established.
  • Additionally, you can contact VSTT by e-mail or by phone +370 620 87952, as well as contact the Directorate of Protected Areas of Aukštaitija.

If there is a need to cancel the SŽNS designation by 31 December 2024, a request should be submitted to the VSTT to issue documents confirming that the land plot does not have any natural meadows and pastures and/or wetlands and spring areas.

Under the guidance of the Government of the Republic of LithuaniaResolution No. 1190until 31 December 2024. the note on the territories applicable to the land plot, where special land use conditions apply, which are not registered in the Real Estate Register, may be cancelled at the request of the interested person, together with the documents issued by the VSTT, the administrator of the Real Estate Register, confirming that the aforementioned territories do not apply to the land plot.

Please note that the marks on the territories applicable to land plots where special land use conditions apply, which are not registered in the Real Estate Register, will be transferred to the archive of the Real Estate Register database on 31 December 2024 and will become invalid.

Yes, there is such a possibility.

One of the criteria for including the plots in the Map was the declared extensive management of meadows by grazing livestock. This measure obliges not to plow meadows and not to sow them with cultivated grasses, not to install new drainage, watering and irrigation systems, which indicates their suitability according to the definition of natural meadows and pastures provided in the Law on Special Land Use Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Law): "Natural meadows and pastures - non-arable, non-drained, non-sowed grasslands, dominated by natural wild plants, which should be protected due to their importance for the biodiversity of agricultural land."

It is in pastures that meadow habitats are formed - 6270 Species-rich meadows, which are protected on a European scale - are rapidly decreasing, as the areas grazed are decreasing. Therefore, extensive grassland management through grazing is a particularly important activity in order to maintain the good condition and sufficient distribution of these habitats in Lithuania.

More information about direct payments, ecological systems (eco-schemes) for the period 2023 - 2027 can be found at:

  • On the website of the Ministry of Agriculture  on the website.
  • The National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture's websiteon the website.


Opportunities for activities in protected areas

The environmental conditions for navigation on surface water bodies by means of vessels and the environmental requirements for the installation and use of floating devices, their parking and/or mooring were approved by Order of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania No. D1-187 of 15 April 2004 “On the approval of the environmental requirements for navigation on surface water bodies by means of vessels and the installation and use of floating devices, their parking and/or mooring” (Consolidated version in force (as of 01 July 2022)) and apply to owners and users of vessels using and storing vessels in state and private water bodies located in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

It is prohibited to sail on water bodies located in nature reserves and ornithological sanctuaries with self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels, except for water bodies located in ornithological sanctuaries for which permits have been issued for the use of a fishing area. In water bodies located in ornithological sanctuaries for which permits have been issued for the use of a fishing area, it is permitted to sail on water bodies located in ornithological sanctuaries for the purposes of fish breeding and amateur fishing with non-self-propelled vessels from 1 August to 1 April.

It is prohibited to sail on self-propelled craft:

  • in water bodies located in telmological, botanical, zoological and botanical-zoological reserves;
  • in water bodies located in state parks, except for:

- when the total engine power does not exceed 10 HP (8 kW), sailing is possible from June 21 until the end of the sailing season. These vessels can be moored at equipped piers, at jetties, and at the embarkation and disembarkation points for water tourists;

  • when the total engine power does not exceed 150 HP (110 kW), it is possible to sail throughout the sailing season, providing public services only on the cognitive water tourism routes established in the management plans of state parks, state reserves and (or) their parts, and in other territorial planning documents. These vessels can be moored only at equipped piers, at jetties and at places where water tourists board and disembark. Piers, places for boarding and disembarking tourists, places for placing information signs on the routes, sailing time, sailing distances from the shore, other sailing restrictions - are determined in the cognitive water tourism schemes prepared in accordance with the provisions of the planning documents of the listed territories, coordinated with the municipal administration and the directorate of the protected area;
  • four-stroke engines, when the total engine power does not exceed 10 HP (8 kW), from 1 June until the end of the sailing season, economic entities engaged in commercial fishing for sablefish and lake smelt are allowed to sail in those lakes of state parks where, in accordance with Article 6(3) and Article 14(1) of the Law on Fisheries of the Republic of Lithuania, limits for catching sablefish or lake smelt with commercial fishing gear are established by order of the Minister of the Environment for the current year, except for water bodies specified in the List of Water Bodies Where Sailing with Certain Types of Sailing Vessels is Prohibited or Restricted, approved by Order No. D1-337 of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 April 2014 “On Approval of the List of Water Bodies Where Sailing with Certain Types of Sailing Vessels is Prohibited or Restricted”;
  • when sports exercises, sports events, scuba diving activities and fishing competitions are carried out in the water bodies specified in the Annex to these Environmental Conditions and under the conditions set out in this Annex.

Drivers of motor vehicles - vehicles with an engine, i.e. quadricycles, motorcycles, mopeds, may only drive on roads in protected areas, except in cases where:

  • they are used by individuals on their own land or with the consent of other landowners and managers on land under their control for construction, agricultural, forestry, commercial fishing or hunting purposes;
  • search and rescue operations, liquidation of the consequences of extreme events and/or accidents, protection of the state border and/or national security, ensuring public order, military training and/or exercises, state control of environmental protection and state control of protected areas, nature management, heritage protection, environmental monitoring and research operations are carried out;
  • They are used to navigate on ice on water bodies, in compliance with the special land use conditions established for surface water bodies.

It is prohibited to drive motor vehicles on pedestrian or bicycle paths, embankment or excavation slopes, ditches, or to enter or leave the road in places not specially equipped for this purpose, with the exception of special vehicles and agricultural and forestry machinery.

If you want to cut a tree growing on land other than forestry land, you need to make sure that it is not classified as protected. The criteria according to which trees and shrubs growing on land other than forestry land are classified as protected were approved by Resolution No. 206 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 12 March 2008. "Criteria according to which trees and shrubs growing on land other than forestry land are classified as protected, approval and classification of trees and shrubs as protected" (Valid consolidated version (as of 2021-12-24)).

Trees and shrubs that are to be protected may only be cut down, transplanted or pruned with a permit from the municipal administration. Permits for cutting down, pruning or transplanting trees may only be issued to the land manager, owner or lessor who is entrusted with the maintenance of the plantings.

Activities in forests, their restoration, protection and use are regulated by the Law on Forests of the Republic of Lithuania. This law specifies possible groups of forests, the objectives and regime of farming in them. According to the objectives of farming, the regime of farming and the main functional purpose, forests are divided into groups:

  • Group I – reserve forests. In these forests, logging is prohibited, except for cases provided for in the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania and the regulations of reserves.
  • Group II – special-purpose forests. This group includes:
  • A – ecosystem protection forests, where clear-cutting is prohibited, and in stands that have not reached natural maturity, incidental cutting is prohibited;
  • B – recreational forests, where clear-cutting is prohibited, and occasional main felling is prohibited in stands that have not reached natural maturity. Felling is prohibited during the recreational season, except in stands damaged by natural or biotic factors.
  • Group III – protective forests. Clear felling is not prohibited in these forests, but the area of the clearing during clear felling cannot exceed 5 hectares. However, clear felling of the main forest is prohibited in national parks, except for stands of swamps and waterlogged habitats.
  • Group IV – commercial forests. These are forests not classified into forest groups I, II, III. This forest group includes:

1) A – economic forests of normal harvesting age. The clearing area of clear-cut main forest fellings, except for sanitary clear-cut forest fellings, may not exceed 8 hectares. Clear-cut main forest fellings are prohibited in national parks, except for stands of swamps and waterlogged habitats;

2) B – short-age plantation forests. These are forests in which fast-growing tree species are grown using rapid growth technologies, the harvesting age of which must be at least 15 years. Plantation forests are prohibited from being grown in felling areas of non-plantation forests or in areas of dead plantations, stands and stands of these forests, in forest squares and forest clearings.

Visiting forests and using forest resources in protected areas are regulated by the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania and the regulations of protected areas.

The procedure and conditions for afforestation on private non-forest land are established by the "Description of the Procedure for afforestation on private non-forest land" approved by Order No. 3D-65/D1-28 of the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 1 February 2022.

Attention! If the land plot where a forest is planned to be established falls within a state park, state reserve or Natura 2000 territory, the Land Management Department, upon receiving the owner's request to establish a forest, additionally applies to the protected area directorate for a conclusion on whether it is possible to establish a forest in a protected area or Natura 2000 territory. When applying to the protected area directorate for a conclusion, the following documents must be submitted:

1. Application. If the documents are submitted to the Directorate by the Land Management Department – a copy of the land owner's application;

2. A copy of the document confirming the right of ownership or management of the land;

3. A copy of the plan of the plot where afforestation is planned;

4. Power of attorney (if the application is submitted by an authorized person) or consent (power of attorney) of the co-owners, certified by a notary (if the land plot on which afforestation is planned is owned by joint partial or joint ownership);

5. Death certificate of the landowner, certificate of inheritance rights (if issued to the heir at the time of application), when the application is submitted by the heir of the land plot of a deceased natural person.